Ƙa'idar canja wuri a tsaye

Maɓallin jujjuyawar juzu'i shine na'urar da ake amfani da ita don sarrafa da'irar lantarki ta kunna ko Rufe da'ira tana ba da damar kwarara ko dakatarwar na yanzu.. The principle is based on the conductor in the circuit

Conversion between electrical and non-conductive materials

When the static toggle switch is in the off state, there is a disconnect between the conductive materials

Non-conductive materials, which prevent the flow of electricity. And when the static switch is on

In the open state, a continuous path will be formed between the conductive materials, and the current can flow freely ground flow.

A static toggle switch usually consists of a mechanical or electronic component that controls the conductive

The connection or disconnection between materials and non-conductive materials. Gabaɗaya magana, static switching on

The switch state can be switched by manual control, electronic signal or other means


Bar Amsa

Ba za a buga adireshin imel ɗin ku ba. Ana yiwa filayen da ake buƙata alama *

Yi taɗi da kristi
riga 1902 saƙonni

  • Kirista 10:12 AM, Yau
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