Black karamin Sts Static Canja wurin sauyawa 8kva (32A) Rated Exputer
Duba ƙarin hotuna

The static transfer switch is a dual-input transfer switch, usually one channel is connected, the other channel is disconnected, and the load is powered by one AC input. When one power supply fails, the STS automatically disconnects the original one, and turns on the other one that was disconnected, converting the load to the other power supply without interruption.

Abin ƙwatanci:
  • STS-8KVA (32A)

Cikakken Bayani
Bincike yanzu

Black karamin Sts Static Canja wurin sauyawa 8kva (32A) Rated Exputer

The static transfer switch is a dual-input transfer switch, usually one channel is connected, the other channel is disconnected, and the load is powered by one AC input. When one power supply fails, the STS automatically disconnects the original one, and turns on the other one that was disconnected, converting the load to the other power supply without interruption.
This model is designed for a 19-inch cabinet; it can also be installed on the front panel or in the center of the cabinet, depending on the location and location of the fixed edge.

Product name
Black karamin Sts Static Canja wurin sauyawa 8kva (32A) Rated Exputer
sts static transfer switch
static transfer switch STS price
static transfer switch STS


Halaye na fasaha na kamfanin canja wurin komputa na Stratic:

◆ Aika cikakken ikon dijital, mai karfi na hana tsangwama da saurin aiki mai sauri.
◆ Sauyawa Lokaci <5ms, Babban dogaro; atomatik da kuma gyara hannu.
◆ Mai karfin fadakarwa, na iya yin tsayayya da cikakken boot.
◆ Tare da shigarwar sama-sama, a karkashin-voltage, fitarwa akan-wutar lantarki, a karkashin-voltage, kan-zazzabi, overload da sauran ayyukan kariya.
◆ Babban kwamitin yana sanye da allon sa ido (Babu a karkashin 10kva), da bayanin matsayin a bayyane yake a kallo.


Static Transfer Switch Characteristics

Model number Rated output power


Rated input voltage


Input voltage range


AC rated output current


Fs-008S 8000w 220 190-250 32A


LED (indicator) display:


8KVA module rear panel



Aika sakon ka:
Sts - 1-
Sts - 2-
Sts - 3-
Hira da Kristin
da ma 1902 manegiya

  • Kristin 04:24.AM  Mar.24,2025
    Murmushi don karɓar saƙon ku, Kuma wannan shine Kristin reptonese a gare ku